Monday, June 13, 2011

Factory Farming

Lets be real, not only is this happening everyday, but its happening in mass production in our very own societies. A MEDIUM sized factory farm has between 300-999 cattle other than dairy (200-699 if dairy), 750-2,499 hogs if 55 pounds or more, and 37,500 to 124,999 chickens (other than hens that lay eggs).
These animals are kept closely confined together, as a single facility can contain thousands of animals in one place. The main animals are the ones I mentioned, cows, pigs chickens and even turkey. Does that not interfere with animal welfare? They are kept confined with barely any room to move, and no access to sunlight or fresh air. Due to the fact they are so closely tied to eachother, measures are taken to adapt to these conditions such as de-beaking and docking. These animals can't even turn around.

Not only are the conditions unbarable, low doses of antibiotics are administered regularly to all animals to ward off disease from these unatural and unsanitary conditions. In addition to these medications, animals are also fed hormones and antibiotics to promote faster growth.

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