Monday, June 13, 2011

Factory Farming

Lets be real, not only is this happening everyday, but its happening in mass production in our very own societies. A MEDIUM sized factory farm has between 300-999 cattle other than dairy (200-699 if dairy), 750-2,499 hogs if 55 pounds or more, and 37,500 to 124,999 chickens (other than hens that lay eggs).
These animals are kept closely confined together, as a single facility can contain thousands of animals in one place. The main animals are the ones I mentioned, cows, pigs chickens and even turkey. Does that not interfere with animal welfare? They are kept confined with barely any room to move, and no access to sunlight or fresh air. Due to the fact they are so closely tied to eachother, measures are taken to adapt to these conditions such as de-beaking and docking. These animals can't even turn around.

Not only are the conditions unbarable, low doses of antibiotics are administered regularly to all animals to ward off disease from these unatural and unsanitary conditions. In addition to these medications, animals are also fed hormones and antibiotics to promote faster growth.

Gorilla/chimp/orangutan murder and the bushmeat trade

Perhaps its just me, but how can our own people be destroying the species most similiar to our own. In the forests of west and central Africa gorilla chimpanzes and bonobos are being hunted to extinction for the bushmeat industry. "Bushmeat" is basically and meat found in the african forests and is considered a cultural tradition for the native people. But when the commercial logging was introduced the part take in the bushmeat industry, this tradition which caused no threat to the population of wild animals took a wrong turn.

According to Dr. Jane goodall the chimpanzee population dropped about 1-2 million in the 1990's to a  mear 150 000 still existing today. This may seem like a large amount of chimpanzees it is actually a very alarming decline. It will not be long until that 150 000 drops down to 0.

"The fact is that of all the primates on earth, human beings are the only ones whose existence is not threatened,  and all the others are  threatened by  human activities." Dr. Jane Goodall.

Apparently logging companys are well known for not providing adequate food for their employees in these settlements, they would rather give them the oppertunity to fend for their own food in the most profitable way to the company. They provided the guns and ammunition to organize hunts and slaughter local chimpanzees and elephants. These settlements hold sometimes up to 4000 people, which means that much bushmeat. Considering their population is decreasing dramatically, if this never stops, our great apes will be gone.

Dog Fighting

Dog fighting to me is another ridiculous form of human amusement. This cruel and underground sport has been in the spotlight since it began. These dogs are trained to fight one another, encouraged to rip each other to shreads till the death while spectators watch and cheer as well as bid and gamble on a "winner" of the fight- the dog that survives. If at any time these dogs become unable to participate or cause a threat to their owners to loose money they are wet down and electrocuted, hung, beaten, drowned, shot and even slammed agaisnt the ground to be killed. Among many cases , an estimate that more then tens of thousands of people are involved in "proffessional" dog fighting... although all 50 states have now considered participation a felony offense.

The most common bread used for dog fighting is terriers also known as "pit bulls". They are kept in small kennels or chained with heavy chains to be taunted and beaten to trigger their natural aggressive instincts and encourage it. Some dog trainers then force their animals upon unbelievable tasks to get them ready to fight. This includes forcing them to tread water, run on a treadmill while a terrified animal is dangled infront of them, and even hang from their jaws to a baited chain. Some owners then inject their dogs with steroids, and some even sharpen their teeth, cut off their ears and poison their fur to back off other dogs.

Dogs who then win fights are forced to fight again and again until they are unable to anymore and are killed and/or are used to bread puppies for profit. One dog can generate up to 100 000$ a year. They strap down female dogs while the male dogs impregnate them, and then those who  make the cut to fight, fight and those who do not are left to die or are used as bait.

Just like the cockfighting i mentioned earlier, dog fighting endures many of the illegal crimes that cockfighting does such as gambling, drug activity and even murder. Some people are willing to kill for money, even if that includes murdering the winning dogs owners for their prize money.


Very recently on June 11th, more then 100 men were chased and rounded up for the illegal act of cockfighting at a farm in the Gulf Kingdom. Many ran away knowing that their acts of cruelty towards these animals were completly illegal.

Cock fighting is a blood sport in which two or more roosters are thrown into a ring where they are forced to fight till the death for the "amusent" of the onlookers. Birds, in they're natural environment fight naturally for things such as food, space and mates, ect, but in this environment the only reason the birds keep on fighting is because they have no way to flee the scene. There is really nothing natural about how the birds are raised and treated before they go out to fight.

"Battle stags" are roosters the age of 2 or under, and "battle cocks" are those older then the rest. These birds are born and raised for the sole purpose of cockfighting on so called "game farms." These breaders kill the birds whom they think are inferior so that their flocks stay geneticly superior with birds who are "game" (or in other words - willing to fight.) These birds then spend the rest of their lives attached by one leg to whatever is intended to be they're shelters... which in most cases stand as over turned rain barrels or small wire cages. When these birds are not fighting they are being forced to walk around with weights attached to their tiny legs and are also forced to "practice fights" with other roosters. Before they enter the Fighting Ring, most birds are plucked of their feathers, and their wattles are chopped off. This is basically done so that the roosters are unable to do so during the fight and are also unable to stay cool.

Not only is cock fighting a crime, but many  illegal acts are performed at these battle of the birds. Gambling- involving very large sums of money, firearms- sometimes used in a very violent maner, illegal drugs- which are often found at these fights and just the enthusiasm for blood shed which is quite disturbing in my opinion.

Cock fighting is believed to have been the cause of as many as 8 cases of bird diseases contracted by the bird's owners after the fight, often as a result of comming in contact with the birds blood throughout the fighting. Another great threat to common bird diseases are the illegal transportation of these birds, which are a cause of outbreaks in the united states. An example of this happening is the 2002 Exotic Newcastle disease epidemic in California.

Many states in the US have now made this activity a felony. Even attending these fights are illegal, since you are supporting this obscene so called "sport" .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bear Baiting

A basic deffinition of bear baiting is the declawing and detoothing of a bear and allowing 2-3 dogs to attack them. It is to be considered a sport residing most specifically in Pakistan, where offences can be caused to both the bears and the dogs as they can sustain horrific wounds and sometimes even die. Unfortunetly because of the money being made, people care more about that then the animals (as in most cases).

To me this sport is barbaric and completly obscene. It had first become a widespread activity in Europe, but now a days, it can be only much found in the rural parts of Pakistan. Thankfully for the effort being made to make this cruel sport go to shame, the signs that the campaigning have outbrought the sport are showing a strong hold on the banishement of it.

Althought this sport is some what illegal in Pakistan as well, investegations, (done during 1993) found that there were evidences of over 80 different contests involving more then 300 black bears. These events in most cases are planned out by he rural and wealthy landlords whom own and train there own Terriers to attack. This is a gain of prestige, that is, if you have the strongest animal. These bears are then owned by a gypsy group who specialize in animal training, they are then paid by the landlords to bring these bears to the contests. More then 2400 seperate fights have taken place in different contests between december and march.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Backyard big cat and other exotic animal breeding.

Poor animals. If I state this simply, large cats, bears and other wild and exotic animals are being kept in crude, cramped and in totally inadequate conditions to be bread and sold for the black market. They are kept in backyards, truckstops and even roadside "zoos" across the United states, with virtually no regulatory protection. It is illegal in the states to trade off these animals, but more then 31 states still allow the keeping and breading of the exotic backyard kittens.  This problem varies greatly, as there is little to no regulation there for statistics and other information on this issue is very hard to find.

Many organizations such as Big Cat Rescue, Big Cat Caucus, Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), HSUS (Humane Society of the United States), Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Animal Rights Africa, WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Animals) and many sanctuaries world-wide are still trying to ban this pratice of he breading of exotic animals.

Each year, there are reports of serious injuries and fatalities due to the keeping of exotic cats such as lions and tigers and unfortunetly it is on the rise. It was estimated that more then 15000 big cats were currently being held outside of accredited zoos in the US alone (this represents a 500 percent increase since 1997.) Unfortunetly, the keeping of these cats can get quite expensive, there for the animals are set free when owners are unable to care for them. 1) they are not in their natural habitat 2) they cause a danger to citizens. Most recently in 2010 Illinois banned he keeping of primate pets... not much of a progress but its a start!
In my opinion, the idea that a large carnivore can be considered to be a family "pet" is so ridiculous that it can hardly be argued, especially considering how cruel and dangerous it really is.